I've started working on the parts car, pulling bits off for sale or storage. Until the season is underway I'm going to leave it mobile, that is, keep the motor in the car. Once I pull the lump I'm committed to pulling it apart and hauling it away. I'm keeping my options open for a bit.
But meanwhile, what happened here?
Looks like a disaster befell the parts car. Looking skyward we spy this.
Time to gain some altitude to see what's going on.
Observation confirmed, it's definitely a hole. So that brings to mind the question, why did the Siberian Huskies dig a hole in my garage ceiling? It had to be the dogs, they specialize in creating holes of all sizes, shapes and depths.
Ah, it seems the Sibes have located the nearest Harbor Freight and bought themselves a toy.
I see their plan now. They are going to store their stash of bones, small logs, and de-stuffed toy animals in the attic above the garage. Right above my nose! They're sneaky, little furry bastards.
Right now they're out down at the bottom of the hill, busy disemboweling a deer, or the neighbor's poodle or something. So I'm going to turn the tables on them and store MY stuff up there.
Let's start with a 944 motor. I can use the floor space in the garage, since there will be another 2.7L motor joining it shortly.
Mission accomplished, one 2.5L motor tucked away. Close the hatch and they'll never know ...