With the '02 driveable - but not finished, I've been running about town and adding to my tick list of things to do which I'm sure will show up here in the future - I've turned my attention to the 944 race car. While the first race is in May, as usual, I have a long list of things planned. New rear rotors went on the car and then after a through inspection I turned my attention to the front.
My major oil leak I had been battling most of last year was identified as 2 sources: a upper balance shaft front seal and a cam tower gasket seal.
Naked Upper Balance Shaft - happy to see someone |
As the balance shaft hides behind the belt covers, pretty much the whole front of the engine needs to come off. A couple of nights of labor and it was all back together. Another night for the camtower seal and I was done.
Home of Click & Clack - the Tappet Brothers |
After bringing the car up to temp and bleeding the coolant lines (and smoking out the garage from the oil spilled on the headers), my major leak was gone (Yayyy!) but I still had a slow leak from somewhere else (Boooo...) It wasn't the camtower gasket. I ordered a fluorescent dye kit from Amazon and I'll give it a go when that shows up. Let's keep going.
While a year late, its time for Project Turbo Nose.
I had bought a fiberglass turbo nose a year and half ago with the intention of mounting it last winter. Well the motor rebuild last winter turned to be more time consuming than planned, so much for that idea. I probably wouldn't have finished it anyway, as it turned out I also needed a turbo nose panel, headlight covers and fenders to make a go of it. I scored those bits at the Hershey Swap meet last spring and they have been slumbering in my attic ever since. Their time has come.
First up is removal of the old, banged up bits.
Next it was time for some test fitting of the turbo panels.
MX Blaster tool used to remove the decals |
Looking good so far.
The next step to get ready is to make sure the car is straight. Over the last several years the car and driver have been attending the School of Hard Knocks. Notice in the picture above the 2x4 under the front left wheel. Without it I can't get my lift arm under the car, while the other arms fit with no problem. So I'm hauling the 44 up to Bodymotion in North Central New Jersey to have them put it up on their frame bench and apply some auto yoga to it. Gotta get my chakra in tune you know. While it's there, I'm going to have them hang the fiberglass front spoiler for me. I figure as a race shop their welding just might be a little better than mine. I'll do the sanding and painting when it comes back, plus relocate the oil cooler and other bits.
With it and the trailer gone for a couple of weeks, time to work on the '02 again. With winter finally here and salt being put down on the roads, the little bimmer is on vacation back in the garage. And I still have plenty to do.
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