Monday, April 8, 2013

Weekend report

Another weekend, another stretch in the Trailer Rehab Mines.  By Sunday night I was beat and my knees didn't want to bend anymore, but made good (visible) progress.

Lets start with the good. Here's a pic at the end. Looking pretty good eh?

The floor came out great, looking good. The paint flakes and the silicia I added gives it good traction so I won't fall on my ass when the car pees a little bit of oil.

I added ATP (aluminum tread plate) for the wheel tracks, and all new tie down hardware. So it can now actually be used to haul cars if needed.

Most of the panel trim has been installed and painted, still have a little bit to finish up.

Started work on my shelving for the front nose area. I bought some industrial shelving bits from Lowes. To make it fit in my available space, I need to cut it apart and re-weld some of the pieces. The first piece, the main rail, came out pretty good. I actually had the first welds that I wouldn't be ashamed of showing someone, nice little overlapping circles just like its supposed to be in the books. Picking up the gas kit for my welding rig was a good idea.

And the job isn't finished until it's signed off by the site inspector...

1 comment:

  1. Wow very nice... probably will never be this clean again ;-)


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