Sunday, January 2, 2011

In with the New

"If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out" or translated in racer talk, if that 2.5 Liter early 944 motor is a turd, pull it and replace with a new (bigger) one. And as the Christmas holidays arrived, I did just that.

Out with the Old! In with the New!

Here's the new 2.7L motor, almost ready for it's new home.

Fuel rail attached, vacuum lines run, just need to pop it off the engine stand and attach the clutch. The clutch on the 2.5 is only a year old so I'm going to just swap it to the 2.7.

I know I said I was going to put the motor in from the bottom after using up my four letter vocabulary pulling the 2.5 from the top. But I woke up in the middle of the night with some ideas and you know, no good deed goes unpunished. Actually that metaphor doesn't apply here, but since the only cost is my time, it's free. So lets see if my ideas work.

What I really need is a load-leveling device for my engine crane. Something to adjust the angle of the suspended motor.While I don't have one of those, I do have plenty of tie downs and straps and an overly active imagination. So let's McGuyer it.

45 minutes later with the help of my shop jack, the lift, multiple straps and my wife at the engine crane controls, we were closing in on the docking. I had to drop the cross member, but generally we had smooth sailing.

Anybody who's attempted to put a 44 motor back knows the torque tube connection aka drivetrain, is the sticking point. The planets need to be aligned, six chickens sacrificed, copious quantities of beer offered to the gods before it will slide in and connect to the torque tube. Any transgressions against the Porsche water-cooled gods, like casting lustful glances at a early 911 will be punished. Well I must have had some impure thoughts because after an hour, I still haven't achieved full bonding. I put out a call to my Porsche buddies and Edward will be by tomorrow evening to lend a hand. Perhaps his karma is better than mine.

But we're close!


  1. So, is it better to go in from the top? Did you lose the alignment settings since you had to remove/lower the crossmember?

    I went took some data logs this evening, and am going to take some more on the turbo. Time to get the programming right, and see if the clutch will hold...

  2. Yeah, I think it's better from the top as long as you can angle the motor to clear everything. I think I'll buy a load leveler for the engine hoist next time. Even though I had to drop the crossmember and lose my alignment settings, I still left the shocks and brake calipers attached and didn't have to mess with them. I was planning on having the car lowered and aligned before the beginning of the season anyway, so nothing lost there.


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