Monday, June 20, 2011

Got Power?

The last time I visited NJMP I bought electricity for the weekend. I camp in the trailer AKA the Red Motel. I've got A/C or heat, a cot and flat screen TV. If I have WiFi, I have Netflix, so it isn't exactly roughing it, but neither is it the Four Seasons. Typically it's around $25-35 for camping and the power hookup for the weekend. This day however, they wanted $75 Ouch! I know they are under bankruptcy proceedings, but come on...

The next race weekend I visited Watkins Glen. We stayed at a hotel, but one of the reasons is power is hard to find there. Coming up is Mosport, which has one sorry outlet for the entire paddock. Usually with 15 power cords hooked up. Since my visit to Mosport is last minute, its looks like I'm camping out. So time to do something.

Something became a Yamaha 2400iSHC generator. This is one of those ultra quiet generators, like the Honda eu2000i. 20 feet way you can barely hear it. The cool thing about this one is the power surge capacity. When a big appliance, like my A/C compressor starts, it draws a big load to start the motor. Usually this is the killer for small generators. They can run them once they are going, but can't get them started. I have one of the standard 13,500 BTU RV a/c units mounted in my trailer. This Yamaha baby is designed to handled that start-up surge and then throttle back. Yamaha claims it can run about 95% of those RV A/C units out there. All I know, is it works with mine. Mosport, here we come!

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