Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ah, what we do so we can go racing

Here we're rescuing Mark's 911 after his newly rebuilt motor dies while breaking it in out on Rt 1. What you don't see is my trailer just 2 inches from the guardrail and the other side on the white line. And even with big orange cones, 4-way flashers going and an empty right lane, idiot motorists still insisted on running by us at 60 mph just 6 inches away. Wish I had a paint gun.

If only it had died about 200 yards earlier where there was ample room to safely load it but noooo.... Race cars are evil!

That's how Mark & I spent Friday evening, bonding over broken race cars and hauling his back to his shop in Elsmere. Sat morning was my turn to do something about my broken race car and I headed to NY and after a 350 mile round trip came back with this, an 83 2.5L motor.

Not exactly a "crate" motor, more like a "pallet" motor. Which means just enough crap was cut or unscrewed to drop it onto a pallet. Bunch of work needs to be done before it goes into my car.
Oh the joys of working on old, rusty, oily, crappy motors.
I've gotten used to working on my car, where most of the bolts are new, had anti-seized applied to, most of the parts, hoses, etc are all reasonably new or at least clean.

Here the exhaust studs and nuts were rusted together with the rusty exhaust headers. The 5 min removal of the headers took 30 mins.
Lot of useless crap still attached, like the A/C compressor and brackets. Gotta pull the clutch and put my new one on. In fact I'll be using a lot of parts from the busted motor since they are much newer than what's here. And every thing needs a good rinsing and cleaning. Lots of oil, gunk and dirt everywhere. I can't stand that. I'll do belts and rollers and probably add some paint while I'm at it.
Got a month till the Glen. Should make it. It's not like I gotta rebuild the thing. Just a little nip & tuck and maybe some Botox. I'm good.

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