Sunday, August 29, 2010

Countdown to the Glen Race - May

Ever since my motor blew up I've been slaving away in the garage, trying to get the car ready for the PCA Watkins Glen race. This is the 2nd round in the Northeast Region of 944 Cup. 2 sprint races and a 90 min enduro are worth 4 races in the championship, and with my non-start in the 1st round, I can't afford to miss this. That would be too big a hole to climb out if I want to be competitive this year.

Finally with less than 2 weeks to go before I leave, the new motor is lifted into the car.

Just so you know it isn't a photoshop photo ...

See, it really is attached to the car.

Well I'm bushed, another 4 hours in garage after work. And this after my normal 10-12 day at work.

Now, need to attach the slave cylinder, starter and connections, main wiring harness, install radiator and hoses, battery, exhaust, add fluids, and probably more stuff I'm forgetting and then I can try starting it.

And remember, this is the pallet motor. I've never seen it run. Who knows what will happen.

This is cutting it way close. I think Friday is my cancellation date for the race. Right now I can get 1/2 my reg fees, after Fri nothing. It was almost $600 just for registration.
Time for sleep. The garage will still be there in the morning.

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