I ventilated the motor on at least two sides and the bottom. Here's the oil pan.
Here's the firewall. A bunch of my wires got crisped. Luckily one of the tasks I did when doing the dash was to weld some sheet steel over the openings from the heater core. It wasn't completely sealed but it kept the fire out of the driver compartment. Most of the fire was concentrated right about that location.
Here's a pic of the passenger side of the motor. You can see the balance shaft (black round) sticking out, below that the oil pan gasket with no oil pan to seal to, and below that you can see the conn rods of the motor. The other side of the motor is just as good.
A wider shot where you can see the smoke and melted wiring.
So instead of racing this weekend I'm in my garage pulling the motor. Its junk and I need to find another one. Have a couple of leads. Probably have to put in a 2.5 instead of a 2.7 because of their scarcity and cost.
That's the news from NJMP.
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