Assembly is the Reverse of Removal

Don't you just hate hearing that when you're working on a car task using a Haynes or even a factory manual and have completed something that required major dis-assembly?

To fix x, remove part y. Part y section has 425 steps with 5 pictures in 5 pages for dis-assembly. But just that one liner for putting it all back together.

Well, I'm at that state now. I have the bimmer home from the paint shop, out of the trailer and into the garage. Where it most likely will sit for the next six months except when its pulled and abandoned out on the lawn to fix the racecar.

Home for next several months

It spent 3 months at the body shop. That's at least 2.5 months past my short term memory on how to put everything back together again. Luckily I took about 500 pictures as it came apart, and have a factory manual and have a rabid user community at in case I run into trouble.

That's not dust in the paint but metalflake

I'm still waiting for my stainless steel beltline trim to show up. It's still on the boat from China. But I have a boatload of parts up in my garage attic to spend my time with.

Plus a trunk full

My wife will know where to find me for the next several months. I won't be at the bar hanging around with loose wimmen. I'll still be drinking beer, but in the garage with loose sheet metal. It's all good.


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